Friday, October 2, 2009

Waiting -- now all done!

James still hasn't gone down to the O.R. yet; the kid scheduled before him just went down at 11 AM, so there were definitely some delays this morning (and minor cases like James's are most likely to be "bumped" by more serious ones). So, at this point, it may be late afternoon before he's finished up. So, don't worry; we'll update when there's some news.

UPDATED 2:50 PM: Our nurse just let us know that James is all done with the procedures, and the report is that it all went fine. He's in the recovery area right now, but should be back up in Pod F within a half-hour or so.


Anonymous said...

Well, waiting is tough but at least it is good that what James has going on is less serious at this point. I will be praying for a smooth surgery and continued good reports!

Ann said...

Thanks for the update! Even though I know not to worry, it is still good to know that James is just hanging out and not in surgery yet!