Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dream Deferred

I've known what I wanted the babies to be for Halloween since before they were born.

I wanted to dress the babies up like Stanley, and dress Stanley up like a baby.

In fact, this is the entire reason we decided to have children.

But alas, we didn't have time this year to prepare properly. I had envisioned having Stanley in a baby bonnet (and maybe some type costume diaper, which I'm sure he would have appreciated immensely), but as it turns out, it's not so easy to find a baby bonnet for a dog. (And we don't even have bonnets for the actual babies.) We also didn't have time to find a proper Stanley costume for the babies, although Mike took a pretty good shot at it. The costume that James is wearing in the first picture is a puppy-dog hat and fur from an old pillow. It might have worked except that as you can see, James protested mightily at being stuffed into it.

That also negated plan B, which was to have one baby (James) dressed as a dog, the other baby (Mattie) dressed as a pumpkin, and Stanley (the dog) also dressed as a pumpkin, thus creating a unifying dog-pumpkin theme.

Oh well, there's always next year!


Yvonne said...

Stanley maintains an astounding level of dignity in his pumpkin costume. :)

Nora said...

It looks like James' reaction to the dog costume was very similar to Daniel's when we put him in his Pooh costume!

Anonymous said...

James will use this against you some day... :-P

Niki said...

That doggy costume on James...
Next year, i vote for making the three of them peas in a pod. The pod would be a decorated wagon, the boys would be in costume in the wagon and Stanley would be in costume pulling the wagon (being the eldest means he has to do all the work, right Mel?).