Saturday, October 24, 2009

James Channels Elvis

For the last day or two, Matthew has been lifting his head up high when he's on his belly. He's been able to lift it up a little bit (enough turn side to side, say) for a quite a while, but now he can look up straight ahead. Hooray for Mattie!

James is getting better at "standing up" while we're holding him. He doesn't do it for long, but we figure every little bit helps in developing his muscles! (It's his baby workout program.)

It goes without saying that we're delighted to have James at home, but we're definitely realizing that we had it a lot easier with just one baby! Just figuring out when we're going to go to the grocery store is a big challenge. Presumably that will get easier when we're not on an every-three hours eating schedule for James.

And despite all the spit-ups and angst over the feedings, James continues to gain weight; he was 10 lbs, 12 oz at yesterday's home health visit.

[Top two pictures are James; bottom one is Matthew.]

1 comment:

Isaac said...

In the middle picture, James reminds me of the e-trade baby. Maybe he should go into show biz