Friday, July 26, 2013

All Done!

We got a call from ENT last night around 8:30 telling us that they had rearranged the surgery schedule, so that James would be first. (This was a mixed blessing -- it meant we wouldn't be delayed and there was less time he had to go without eating, but it also meant leaving for the hospital at 5:30 AM!  Not a bad tradeoff, though.)

N wasn't scheduled to arrive until 8:15 (since we originally thought the procedure would be at 9 AM), so James and Mike went over, and Mike tells me James was great all the way through.  They're already on their way home (at 8:30). 

For the first time, they were able to just use fentenyl and gas instead of full anesthesia, which was awesome because James didn't have to have an IV, and the whole thing (cleaning out the remaining ear wax and removing the remaining tube, which was half-way out but stuck in the wax) was really quick.  He didn't have fluid behind his ears, which is great, and it sounds like we don't have anything special to do as far as recovery (he can even go swimming).  Yay!

(As an aside, whenever Dr. Buchman talked about doing surgical procedures with James, he would always describe it as "just a whiff of gas", which infuriated me because it was NEVER that simple with James and anesthesia.  Apparently there's something about former preemies or maybe his history in particular, but the Peds Anesthesia team was never comfortable doing the gas with him before -- they always wanted a respirator, etc., so it was always a big deal.  So, it's exciting that this time it was able to be more minimal!) 

So, the doc that called us about the rescheduling and who assisted with the procedure was named Dr. Slaughter.  Not perhaps the most reassuring name for a surgeon!

(Photos from 7/19 and 7/17). 

1 comment:

Niki said...

Dr Slaughter... really?
You think a name change would have been in order.
Glad to hear he did so well!