Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter, and we hope you did, too! 

The Easter Bunny hid the boys' baskets (although we didn't make a big deal of this in advance, so they weren't really expecting it.)  Matthew happened upon Jamesie's basket when they were playing, and then they went on a hunt to solve the "Mystery of the Missing Basket" to find Mattie's. 

Since neither of them eats much candy these days, the contents of the baskets were a bit minimal, but they were very happy.  Mattie especially was so excited about the Hot Wheels coloring book and his orange bouncy ball.  (He was going on and on about how "it was just what I wanted!"  Sooooo adorable.) And James was delighted to have bubbles, especially since we blew bubbles for him when he sat on the potty.  (Normally bubbles are an outdoor activity.)

 J & Y and the girls came over for dinner, which gave Mike an excuse to cook a big ham.  :)  To our great sadness, they are moving away soon, so we're trying to see them as much as possible before they depart for their wonderful new adventures!

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