Friday, May 4, 2012

Sand Boys

 Despite the 90 (!!!) degree weather, the boys were enjoying their sandbox this evening.  They were very entertained by burying their own hand, asking where it was, and then "finding" it again!  (I had to tell James that he couldn't dig for brother's hand too vigorously with the sand scooper!)

They've also learned the phrase, "He's copying me!" but fortunately are saying it with delight rather than annoyance for the moment.

Jamesie's conversation skills are coming along: he's giving more specific answers about what he did at preschool ("I painted a picture!"), and he even asked, "What did Matthew do at preschool today?"  He's also asking some "why" questions.  All good to hear!

We enjoyed our visit with Grandpa (including wonderful Indian food for the grownups), but today he left to go see Baby Cousin Seth.  

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