Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monkey Bars

 (Woo-hoo, Mike got to go to the playground for his birthday!  No, not really -- we went out to a movie like actual grown-ups this weekend to celebrate.)

Just a few things the boys have said recently:

This evening, James wanted us to come see the helicopter he'd made out of blocks.  Matthew came in and said, enthusiastically, "That's great, Jamesie!  I love it!"

Also this evening, Mattie climbed into my lap and put his head on my shoulder.  He said, "Oh, mama, we're so comfortable!"  (Aww....)

Both of the boys managed to fall and skin their knees yesterday.  Matthew had two Dora bandaids and James just had one, a fact which he repeatedly remarked on ("I have just one owie!  Matthew has two owies!").  (I offered James a second Dora bandaid, but he declined.)  Tonight, James got a new bandaid because his first one had fallen off.  He looked down at it and said, "Hi, Dora!  I'm Jamesie!"

Though Mattie continues to refuse to drink milk out of a cup, he is quite delighted to drink milkshake out of a cup.  :)  If only his brother would do the same!

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