Friday, May 18, 2012


 It was our last time as Parent of the Day in the preschool class (school ends this month).  The boys had a good day. James ate all of his cheese at snack time, and participated in the conversation with the other kids. And Matthew wore his big boy underwear to school with no accidents!

Matthew also reported to Ms. Melissa that we had given the bottles to other babies, so he didn't drink milk any more. She and his classmates talked up how good milk was and how he could drink it from a cup.  :)  Nonetheless, the strike continues.

Mike tried to get James to take just one sip of milk (formula) from a cup tonight, before giving him a water in the cup.  James held the cup up to his mouth, but didn't drink any, and then moved his cheeks around to pretend to be swallowing.  Such a little scam artist!

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