Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Surgery Done

James did fine with the surgery; they cleaned out his ears and put in ear tubes.  (After the procedure,  he was very angry about having an IV in his hand and tried to tear it out.  He was still a little tired when we got home, but definitely happier.  He's napping now.)

He has a little sponge in each ear to help the ear drops get to the right place.  That will stay in for a week or so, and I think he won't be able to wear his hearing aids for another week after that.  We're not happy about that, but the bright side is that maybe the break will let his skin heal up so that it isn't reacting to the hearing aids, and he can have a fresh start to hopefully avoid the skin irritation that appears to be causing the inflammation and gunkiness.  They think it's a reaction to the hearing aids, so his next set of ear molds will come from a different company to see if a slightly different type of silicone might help.  (Hopefully we can figure something out, because the other option would be cochlear implants, and we really don't want to go there if we don't have to.  Fortunately, our audiologist said it's premature to be thinking along those lines yet.)

1 comment:

Niki said...

Glad he made it through well.