Thursday, April 15, 2010

Round of Applause

Guess who was clapping today? That's right -- James! (It's kind of in slow motion, but that's okay!) He clapped for me this morning when I was doing Patty Cake for him, which was cool because he hasn't done much if any imitation of gestures before this. But even better was after his bath this evening, when Mike said "patty cake, patty cake" without doing the gestures and James clapped! We'll have to see if he does it again, but if he was actually hearing and understanding the words (instead of it just being a coincidence), that would be really exciting. Hooray for James!

We're hoping he decides to show off his new skills for his developmental therapist tomorrow morning. :)


Niki said...

and great pic, too

Ann said...

We are believing he is hearing! We pray for only good reports!