Saturday, April 10, 2010

Great Babies Think Alike

Now James has discovered that he can roll and scoot his way over to the books. Of course, then he also maneuvered himself backwards and got stuck under the recliner.

James and Matthew have been talking to each other the past couple days -- one of them will babble and the other one will repeat it. I've seen Matthew doing it, and our babysitter was excited to tell Mike that she heard James doing it.

This evening, they were both on the floor and Matthew was lying on his back with a paci. James reached up and grabbed his sleeve and then grabbed the paci. I saw this coming, so I had put another paci nearby. Matthew just picked up that one. So James dropped the first paci, grabbed Mattie's sleeve again, and snagged the second paci. He then had one in his mouth and one in his hand, so he was happy. Fortunately, Matthew didn't really care; he just picked up some other toy. It was very funny!! (And it goes both ways -- we've seen Matthew take toys or books out of James's hands, too. It hasn't caused major meltdowns yet, but I'm sure we'll have plenty in our future!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved the paci story! Also, I remember fondly the days of A & J getting stuck under pieces of furniture after having backed into them. :)