Wednesday, April 28, 2010


James was supposed to get his hearing aids fitted today, but they didn't arrive in time, so the appointment has been rescheduled for Monday.

The boys are more and more mobile every day. James is getting up on all fours a lot more, and even made a little forward progress that way yesterday morning (his hands were on the rug, but his legs were on the wood, so he couldn't get much traction!) Matthew can pull himself up to stand on his knees on his toy or on our legs when we're sitting down with him, and is lifting his bottom in the air with his feet and hands on the ground (downward dog, for you yoga fans). They are both very fast and apparently have no sense of self-preservation whatsoever, so we can't leave them unattended for more than a moment or two at a time.

Matthew has been sleeping in the cosleeper (set up bassinet-style) recently, and the edges are about 18 inches above the mattress. Clearly it was time to lower the mattress before he flipped himself out of it, so we put the mattress on the bottom (making it into basically a pack and play). That was completely miserable! It was murder on my back to put him down and pick him up, and it felt like we were putting him in a pit (the kind where you dig a big hole to catch some wild animal). So, we finally gave in and bought a second crib. I think they're just too big and active (and Matthew is too much of a light sleeper) to go back to sharing one.

We are quite enjoying James's clapping skills. Every so often he just pauses and claps a little bit, and it's very nice to have some random applause throughout the day.

We put on the Signing Time baby sign language video this evening. The babies don't really watch any TV yet; we don't have it on all that often when they're awake, and when we do, they glance at it every now and then but don't usually seem too interested in it (except for football). But they were mesmerized by this video! I don't know if it was the singing and music, or the fact that there were a lot of babies in it, or what, but Matthew especially was glued to the screen. (It was a bit disconcerting, actually.) It'll be interesting to see if it actually helps them pick up any sign language. (It'll help me, anyhow!) When they were doing the sign for "dog" (patting your leg like you're calling a dog), I did the sign and said to Matthew, "That means dog." He looked at my gesture and then looked right at Stanley.

1 comment:

Ann said...

So cute and growing so fast! We so enjoy hearing of their progress!

Love you guys

Auntie Ann