Friday, April 30, 2010

Constant Progress

Matthew pulled himself up to a standing position this morning (grabbing on to Mike's shirt). I'm not sure that I'm too happy about this new development -- standing up is something that big kids do, and he's still supposed to be my little baby!

Though I must admit that the crawling over to us and climbing up on our laps is quite endearing. :) Mattie sometimes wants us to lift him up and down so he can bounce (he loves to bounce!), but since he's 19 and a half pounds now, our arms get tired a lot faster than he does! (Good thing he still fits in the Jumperoo!)

Mattie is also saying a lot of "dada" and "mama", but he hasn't connected those words with us yet.

Jamesie's developmental therapist was pleased and impressed with his progress. Besides the crawling, she had also been working with him last week on taking objects out of containers, and now he's doing that like a pro. He catches on to things quickly!

James also has been doing very well with his milk; yesterday he set a new record at 870 mls (out of a goal of 900 ml, which is 30 oz), and probably wouldn't have needed to have any overnight feeding through the pump if his daddy had just given him a bigger bedtime bottle! (Today he was over 800 ml, too. We're very pleased! If he weren't going in for surgery next week, we could probably start trying to go without the pump, but at this point we want him to have all the calories he can, since he won't be able to eat regular food right before and right after the surgery. Presumably they'll have him on IV nutrition, but still. He's getting some baby food and rice cereal most days, too, but it's still more for practice than counting toward his nutrition.)


Ann said...

Great picture!

Yvonne said...

That's a whole lotta baby you got on your lap there, lady. :)