Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break

It was my Spring Break this week, and Grandma's too, so she came up to visit and then we went up to Virginia to visit Aunt Nora and family. (Unfortunately, Mike was working overtime instead of being in break mode -- oh well, can't win them all!)

We had a great time visiting. As you can see from the top picture, we do not travel light with the babies! We brought an activity gym, a swing, an exersaucer, plus all the usual diapers, outfits, portable crib, medical supplies, and so on. (When we arrive somewhere, our poor hosts look at the contents of the minivan with trepidation, and ask, "How long did you say you were staying?" I think they always fear we've been evicted and are moving in with them!)

The babies were interested in Cousin Daniel this time; they watched him whenever he was running around. He, in turn, seemed to realize that they were not dogs. Nora tells us he can say the word "baby", but he didn't use it while we were there.

Matthew was up in the bathroom while Daniel was having his bath one night. Daniel is at the stage of toddlerhood where he will generously offer you whatever he is holding, but he has the expectation that you will thank him and then hand it right back. Well, Matthew is not aware of this social convention, so when Daniel offered him his rubber ducky, Matthew happily accepted it and began chewing on it. Daniel was a bit surprised by this, but handled it very well. :)

Daniel's new favorite word is "Melmo" because he's recently discovered Elmo on Sesame Street. James was also introduced to "Melmo" this weekend, but responded as he does to most new things -- by putting Elmo-doll in his mouth.

Matthew thought Auntie Nora's house was especially exciting because there was another dog there for him to play with! Abby was very tolerant of Matthew's attentions; Daniel has her well-trained.

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