Monday, March 29, 2010

Peas Porridge

Here the babies demonstrate the old-style and the new-style approaches to feeding attire. Matthew is in the old-style, which consists of a diaper and a bib. (I got tired of trying to get carrot stains out of all his outfits.) James is modeling the new style, a waterproof type bib with sleeves that Mike has dubbed the Hazmat Suit. It worked pretty well, although it did allow him to get some peas around his collar (but that may have been parent error in not putting the bib on tightly enough).

We heard some bbbbb sounds from James this morning, and I think a gagaga this afternoon -- plus some raspberries! We're very excited about all his new sounds. Hooray for James!

Do you think he'll be able to say "Go Mountaineers" in time for the Final Four game?


GPs Eden said...

Looks like the boys enjoy eating, very much like GPa B!

GPs Eden said...

Looks like the boys enjoy eating, same as GPa B.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm-sounds to me like he's trying to say, "go bbbbbbbblue devils!" :-) Glad things are going well! The boys are absolutely adorable!

Mary Beth