Monday, January 18, 2010

We're Back

We're back from a whirlwind weekend of visits with friends and family. It was a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone (although it sure would be nice to have another day off to recover from all the traveling!)

The boys did very well most of the time. We cannot say the same for Stanley; he stayed with Auntie Nora and he was Not a Very Good Dog. His list of transgressions was numerous and varied. He ate two (or was it three?) crayons, a wooden block, a rubber ball, a stuffed duck, and a stuffed candy cane. ("That night he had a stomachache." *) He barked at the neighbor dogs. And he knocked down Cousin Daniel with his exuberant greeting. Fortunately Aunt Nora was willing to forgive him for all those things!

More later when we've gotten some sleep. :)

* Bonus points for getting the reference -- and if you already know the next line, you're probably the parent of a young child!


Unknown said...

I'm not sure eating a nice green leaf would have helped Stanley.
Hugs from Ohio!

Christina said...

"The next day was Sunday again. He ate a nice green leaf and felt MUCH BETTER."

Melanie said...

I knew there would be some Very Hungry Caterpillar fans out there. :)