Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mama Went to Vegas

(No, really, I did.) I'm here for a conference for work. It's the first time I've been away from the babies since they came home from the hospital. I miss them so much, but fortunately, they're not old enough to miss me yet (or at least, I don't think so). And thanks to cell phones I've been checking in frequently!

This afternoon was the babies' first snowfall. :)

I've been having a good time at the conference; the best part is always catching up with old friends. And it's fun to see the spectacle of Vegas -- tonight we saw the dancing fountains and blown-glass opulence at Bellagio, the surreal painted-sky ceiling and faux old town in Paris, and the neon everywhere. We've also sampled some Vegas buffets. (In case you're curious, the one at the Wynn hotel was amazing. Oh, the desserts!)

One more day, and then I'll be on the red-eye back home.

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