Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Busy Monday

James went to the second eye doctor today, the one who checks vision. (Mike took him, since I had to be at work.) It all went well -- it doesn't sound like he'll need glasses right now, which is great! I was hoping I wouldn't have to figure out how to keep glasses on a baby or toddler. Heck, the way these little guys are grabbing things right now, I'm lucky to keep my own glasses on. :) The doctor does want to see him again in three months, because James still has a slight tendency to cross his eyes when he's looking at something close to his face. Hopefully he'll grow out of it, but presumably there are ways to treat it if he doesn't.

It was very hard to walk out the door for my first real day back at work, but it went well, too. Efficient meetings, friendly colleagues -- I really can't complain. When I arrived back home, the babies were both in the crib with the lights down low. James had just woken up from a nap and Matthew was apparently resisting taking one. James gave me a big smile, but Matthew was too busy chewing on a toy to say hello. I got some smiles later, but I think Mattie was saving his biggest grins for Stanley today!


Ann said...

Glad to hear your first day back to work went well! It is hard to leave babies and go back to work but it has to provide a huge comfort that Mike is there!

I have everyone still praying for James hearing that it will also have good results.

We love you guys! I was thinking it would be nice to get the whole side together, maybe we need to think about renting a house on the beach this summer! That would be fun! Let us know your thoughts!



Melanie said...

Ann -- yes, it definitely helps to have Mike there!! And thanks for the prayers about James's hearing.

Getting a beach house together this summer sounds awesome! It would be so much fun to have everyone together. Love you!!