Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day After Boxing Day

[The pictures are from previous days; everyone but us is now safely back at their own homes. We wish they all could have stayed longer!]

The cool thing from today is that when Mike was playing with James, Mike made an "A-yo" noise, and James repeated it back! He did it several times in a row -- pretty neat, especially since he was imitating Mike's intonation, and that particular combination and rhythm isn't a usual part of James's babbling. (I tried to get a video of it, but they'd been doing it for a little while by the time I grabbed the camera, so although James was still talking back on the video, it wasn't quite the same imitation.) Ever the scientist, Mike also just made the mouth motions without making the sound, and James didn't make the sound that time either.

I spoke too soon in my previous post about the relative lack of cold symptoms -- both of the boys were congested last night, and in fact little Jamesie slept in the swing because he seemed more comfortable being inclined a little. Matthew took forever to get to sleep. Poor little guys! They are still sniffly today.

Good thing Cousin Daniel is so adorable -- we'll forgive him for being a germ vector. :) In fairness, as his mother pointed out, the germs could also have come from somewhere else!

Daniel no longer refers to the babies as "dog"; instead, he waves at them. It's very cute.


Unknown said...

So precious!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ann said...

So glad you had a great time! Thanks Mike for the additional photos!

We wish we could have been there!

Hope you got some rest even though I am sure it was hectic but still had plenty of hands! Did not see what picture without a baby or dog involved!

Love to you all!

Auntie Ann