Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spiderwebs and Soccer Balls

  It's gotten chillier now, but we enjoyed a nice fall day on the playground over the weekend.  :)

Our other adventure this week was that one day before bed, I noticed that James just had one hearing aid.  I asked him what happened, and he said it had fallen out on the playground at preschool -- "and I put it down the slide.  And then I put it somewhere but I don't remember where."  Lovely.  The child can read, do addition, count to 1000 -- and he thinks it's a good idea to put his hearing aid down the slide.  :)

Of course, we then emphasized how important it was to give the hearing aid to a grownup if that happened (which we've only been telling him for, oh, years).  Fortunately, there was a happy ending -- Ms. L from the three year old class found it the next morning before school. 

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