Friday, August 2, 2013

Baseball with Grandpa

  The South Dakota grandparents have arrived! (And Florida Grandpa as well.)  The boys wanted Grandpa Walt to chase them around, and then James wanted to play baseball with Grandpa.  He didn't want Daddy to play, but then we explained to him that baseball is actually a team sport.

Mike has just started to teach the boys about running around the bases.  It was a bit confusing this evening because James wanted to just hit the ball from a pitch, and Mattie prefers to use the t-ball, so there were two different home plates.  And James likes to run the bases even when he's not batting, and Mattie just sort of runs around.  :)

Grandpa got at least a little break after that -- they wanted Grandma to read their books to them.

Mattie, by the way, was extremely cute when James was going to his doctor's appointment last week.  As James and I were walking out to the car, Mattie said he wanted to say goodbye to James, and he ran up to James, gave him a hug and a kiss, and said, "I love you really much!" Awww. 

James had so many appointments last week that Mattie asked the other day, "When is James going to the doctor?"  (Not today!)  And later when I asked James what he had done that day, he said, "I didn't went to the doctor!"

James showed off his belly scar to (I think) Grandma, and she asked him if it hurt.  He said, "No.  I was a baby."  (I am so glad he doesn't remember those days!)

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