Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to E

We had a hot and humid early afternoon at my department picnic (the boys enjoyed the playground and riding their Dora trikes, but alas, the parents didn't get much chance to either eat or converse)

Fortunately, E's birthday party in the late afternoon was indoors and much more pleasant, even without A/C!  It was a great two-year-old party -- kids running around, adults chatting, and cake.  :)  What more could you ask for?  (Well, in Mattie and James's case, you could ask for a Dora balloon and toy car borrowed from the birthday girl, and lucky for them, the party included both of those as well.)  Happy birthday, E!
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Nora said...

Is that actually a piece of cake in Jamesie's hand?? Did he eat it? :)

Melanie said...

No, it's actually a cracker. He didn't eat any cake! (But he did eat a handful of M&Ms at the department picnic, most likely because they came out of a "pull the arm on the M&M man" toy. :)