Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Don't Think So

Mattie is getting full use out of the phrase, "I don't think so."  It cracks me up.  I wish I had a sound recording of him saying it in his serious toddler voice. 

At the museum this weekend:
Me: I think there's a birthday party here today.
Mattie: Why?
Me:  Because that little boy is carrying a birthday present for his friend.
Mattie:  I don't think so.  The presents are for Christmas. 

Riding to preschool this morning:
Mattie: Where are the people on the bus going?
Me:  I don't know.  Maybe they're going to work.
Mattie:  I don't think so.  They're going home. 

(And then tonight, he asked to do something and I said yes, and he said, "That's an option!"  Which is hilarious because when he wants to do something he isn't allowed to do, or suggests something beyond the choices he's been given, I tell him, "That's not an option.")

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