Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Good While It Lasted

Matthew did fine in his new crib overnight and this morning, but in the early afternoon, he started to get a little chilly -- so they put him back in his isolette. (Then he was hot, though -- so it's a difficult balancing act.) Oh well! As we mentioned in a previous post, there are definitely some advantages to the isolette (quieter and darker so he can sleep better), so we're not too disappointed by his temporary demotion. And he did get some good kangaroo time with his daddy today. :)

James had a good day. We talked to the doctors more about his X-rays, and it turns out the false alarm on the first one really was just an artifact of the angle the X-ray was taken (what they thought could be some free air was actually one of the bowel loops). That was very reassuring, especially because I thought we were past the stage where perforation was a big danger, and the doctor confirmed that that was right. (I suppose nothing's impossible, but the doctor said he'd be extremely surprised to see something like that at this point.) So, hopefully tomorrow's X-ray will be smoother sailing. (At this rate, the poor child will be glowing in the dark by the time he comes home!)


Ann said...

Well, we always knew they were going to shine!!

All in all, this has been a good day!

Blessings to you all!


Cindy Young said...

Think positive - don't focus on radioactive babies - instead think how easy it will be to locate your glowing children in a dark room!

But seriously, although of course you want to minimize exposure if possible, the amount of radiation received during a chest x-ray is small. (You would be exposed to half that amount during a cross-country flight just from background cosmic radiation.)

The boys are looking so much bigger these days. Hooray for FOUR POUNDS, woo-hoo!

Melanie said...

Y'all are awesome. :)

Mike is hoping the radiation will give James some special Spiderman-type powers!