Saturday, July 29, 2023

To the Lake

Watertown, NY

Dinner at the Lodge


Lodge Common Room

Mike needed a vacation, so we took a quick trip to the Adirondacks this week. It was great!  We stopped in Watertown for lunch and ate at a restaurant (the Crystal Restaurant) that had been there since 1925 -- and it turned out our waitress had been there for 60 years! Mike had always wanted to go to the New York Watertown to see how it was different from the South Dakota Watertown.

Our hotel was on Long Lake, and it had a little lakefront dock and swimming area. Normally it has a bit more of a beach, but the owner told us that the lake was up 35 feet (!!!) higher on the shore than it usually is. (This area was part of the major northeastern flooding that happened a couple of weeks ago -- a dam was washed out and some of the roads were damaged.)

Mike and the kids went for a swim when we arrived, and then we enjoyed a delicious dinner at the hotel restaurant. Very nice start to the trip!

PS: Photos are a bit out of order, sorry!

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