Monday, July 31, 2023

Coney Mountain

On Friday, our last day in the Adirondacks, we started out the morning with a hike up Coney Mountain. It was perfect for us -- it took maybe 45 minutes or so to reach the top, and the trail was interesting but not treacherous.  The top had a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains and lakes. And Mike talked to another hiker at the top of the mountain who told us that there were wild blueberries all over the place -- so Mike found those as well!

Afterwards we went to another place that was recommended by people that we met -- a stream with a natural waterslide. The kids weren't really interested in swimming (and there wasn't really a great place to get all the way in -- the main stream out to the lake was moving somewhat fast due to all the rain), but they did some wading. However, the beautiful surroundings hid a terrible secret!  James was wading/playing in one area, and when he stood up, his legs and the back of his shorts were covered in black worms!  It was like something out of a horror movie!  Fortunately we could brush them all off pretty easily, but we weren't too excited about the water after that experience -- ugh!!!  (I think they were baby leeches but Mike -- who didn't really see them -- thought maybe something else.)

We recuperated with another delicious lunch at the diner (and ice cream afterwards at Custard's Last Stand.)

Matthew enjoying his morning tea

Marker at the summit

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Rainy Ride

It was pouring down rain the morning of our second day in the Adirondacks, so we changed our plans. We browsed around the local shops in the morning, and then after a great lunch at the local diner (mmm, biscuits and gravy), we headed out to Raquette Lake where we had booked a scenic boat cruise -- which sailed rain or shine. Uncle Chris worked at the Raquette Lake Boys Camp many years ago, so it was a small world!  (Apparently the camp now costs about $22K if you want to send your kids there for the summer -- yikes!) 

It was still a bit rainy when the cruise departed, but fortunately the rain stopped for a lot of the trip (and a nice side effect for us was that the boat wasn't too crowded). The narration was a recorded tape, but it was really nicely done and had some interesting history of the area. James ended up resting (or "falling asleep") for about half of the trip, but he said it was like a nice podcast!

We did have one casualty of the trip -- Mike's LSU hat went flying into the water when he tried to take it off for a picture. Oops!

Afterwards we went up the road to a town called Inlet that Mike remembered Chris mentioning (where the camp counselors went for R&R). It was also a cute place, and they had a nice little lake beach where Matthew and James enjoyed swimming. (Of course we hadn't brought their swim stuff, so they just swam in their clothes, and luckily we at least had extra clothes with us!)

Raquette Lake Boys Camp

Enjoying our Tropical Punch

Beach at Inlet

Long Lake