Saturday, June 1, 2019

Night Bazaar

 I went to the Geylang Serai Night Bazaar the other night -- it's a big street market that happens during Ramadan, and it's a night market because Muslims are fasting during the day.

Apparently last year's market was criticized for getting too far away from traditions, so this year's market has 60% traditional favorites (these seem to be Malay foods, as well as something called a Ramly burger, which is a burger wrapped in an egg), and 40% can be "hipster" food.  The hipster food often seems to have gimmicks to try to encourage people to post pictures on Instagram and other social media, like the rainbow colored buns or the one liter (!!!) size of Thai milk tea.  They also had lobster rolls, "meatballs in a bucket", and "praffles", which are a combination of prata ( and waffles. 

In addition to the food, there are also tons of things for sale, from clothes to lights to carpets (not sure if any are magical). 

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