Sunday, April 16, 2017

In Which We Spend Spring Break at a Dying Mall

The boys had spring break this week.  They did a half-day camp at Rolly Pollies for most of the week, and then we took a trip to Syracuse for Friday and Saturday.  Matthew was excited to go back to the skate park, but unfortunately, there were no instructors available on Friday and Saturday.  So, he decided to switch to a scooter instead of a skateboard, and had a lot of fun with that.  Mike and I joined in on roller skates for the last part of his session!  It was a nice sunny day, so apparently the regular skaters were somewhere outside -- so we had the place almost to ourselves.

James and I also found a playground in another part of the mall that he enjoyed.  (We had stopped by the gym where he did the gymnastics clinic in the fall, but there weren't any boys' classes on Friday.)

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