Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Swimming Party

 The Friday night before the boys' birthday, one of their kindergarten friends had a swimming party.  (The timing wasn't the best, since the party didn't start until almost their usual bedtime, but it all worked out!)  The pool was awesome -- it had a gradual entry, and then the "deep end" was only three feet deep, so the kids didn't need to be swimmers to be on their own.  Matthew even practiced going under water a few times and dog paddling.  James really liked the water basketball.  (The parties at this age are kind of funny, because the kids are all excited about seeing their friends, and then they all just kind of do their own thing -- or at least the boys do!  The girls travel a bit more in packs.)

James made a nice card for his friend that said, "I love you.  You are the best friend ever."  (This was very sweet, but also a little surprising, because I don't think that James and this boy are actually particularly close!)

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