Friday, June 7, 2013

Temporary Sisters

J & Y and family stayed with us for a couple nights, since their movers have already packed up all of their stuff.  The boys had a great time with Charlotte and Ellie tonight.  We had a rainy day from the tropical storm, but the actual rain let up a bit in the late afternoon, so the kids went outside and played in the backyard.  The little rock streambed we have back there actually had water running through it (which happens very rarely), and the kids were calling it Frog Creek after the Magic Treehouse books.  :)  (We've been reading the first few books in the series and the boys like them pretty well, although they don't get to the action quickly enough to always keep their attention.

After dinner we had a living room dance party.  :)

1 comment:

Niki said...

Viva la sleepover!