Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rainwater Pool

 From WRAL: "...As of 6:30 p.m., about 4.94 inches of rain fell in Chapel Hill Sunday, breaking the record for the area's wettest day, which was 4.8 inches in 2008. Over the past 48 hours, 6.77 inches of rain had fallen."

Today's rain started just after we got home from our playground and lunch outing.  (We lost power for an hour or so, but otherwise no problems.)  The boys were pretty excited to see the front steps turn into a waterfall.  :)

After the storm cleared, we went for a walk around the neighborhood to see the creek (and for the boys to splash in puddles).  When we got home, they were very excited about their filled-to-the-top pool, and gleefully played in it until dinner time (the water seemed chilly to me, but it didn't bother them!)

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