Monday, November 26, 2012

Trains, Big and Small

 We went to the science museum on Saturday -- Baby Cousin Seth's first time!  (Of course, we ended up going exactly at what was normally his naptime, so he only had a quick catnap in the car instead.  He hung in there pretty well anyhow, though the train ride almost put him to sleep.)

They had the Winter Wonderland model train exhibit.  Matthew and James were mostly just interested in finding Thomas.  (It turned out that he had derailed in a tunnel, and some museum staff had to go fish him out.  One of the boys commented that it was just like their book, in which Thomas also goes off the tracks.)

Mike and I were not as impressed as last year -- they seemed to have it in a smaller space, so it wasn't as amazing. 

The toddler play area was a big hit, as usual -- I think the letters that James was playing with were a new addition.  James also really liked the rocket videos (blastoff and splashdown). 

It's so much fun to ride the big train with Mattie -- he knows most of the stuff along the route, and announces it with great enthusiasm!

We skipped the dinosaurs this time, but went to the butterflies.  We just missed the release, but one big butterfly was still walking on people's hands, and James was determined to hold it.  Fortunately he was able to do so -- he waited patiently while a couple of other people had a turn!

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