Monday, November 5, 2012


Jamesie woke up with a fever (we think; he thrashed his head around so we couldn't get a good read with the forehead thermometer) and a stuffy nose, so he stayed home from preschool today. But he was in pretty good spirits once we put the thermometer away.

At one point he was sitting on the bed with Mike and me, and I was singing him a song which included the line, "James is cute. James is sweet."  James protested, "I'm not sweet."  We said, "yes, you are."  He repeated, "I'm not sweet."  Then he added, "Don't eat me."  Hilarious!

After school, Mattie got to run some errands with Mike.  He went to the bank, and announced, "I've never been to the bank before!"  (When he told me about the trip, he said, "I got a sugar cookie for myself!"  Our local bank often has fresh cookies -- why don't we go there more often?)

(We think Mattie had a growth spurt -- he looked an inch or two taller this morning than he did yesterday!)

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