Saturday, August 18, 2012

Home Again

We're back home from Grandma and Grandpa's house.  The boys enjoyed their last day of playing with Daniel and the other friends and relatives (we enjoyed visits from Bettina, Gyne, and Honorary Grandma Sue). 

They also contributed to Daniel's "education" because James was telling Sue that she fell down the trapdoor, and Daniel didn't know what a trapdoor was.  So we showed him a Scooby episode that demonstrated it.  :)  (Daniel, by the way, sings a version of "Ruby Tuesday" which includes the line, "James and Matthew like Scooby-Doo."  Clever boy!)

The weather didn't cooperate for a last swim the morning we left, but James "helped" Grandma clean the pool by throwing his football in so that she could fish it out with the net.  :)

Grandma let the boys take a few toys home, and they were very excited this morning about the "new toys."  Thanks, Grandma!!

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