Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daniel!

We had a great day celebrating Daniel’s 4th birthday today. Uncle Adrian's sister Tash and her family were here too (all the way from England), and it was wonderful to see them. Everyone had fun in the pool!

Daniel's cake was actually a set of cupcakes frosted to look like a (Dora the Explorer) cake -- a cool idea! All the kids got a turn blowing out the candles. (James was especially excited about that, and Mattie was delighted with his cupcake!)

After the cake we had a pinata, which was one of the high points for Daniel -- he's been talking about it for days, and even afterwards, asked everyone over and over again, "Did you like what came out of my pinata?" The pinata had ribbons to pull to break it (the kids took a turn pulling a ribbon until one opened the bottom of the pinata -- appropriately, Daniel was the one to pick the magic ribbon). This seemed like a much better idea than letting them swing at it with a stick! There was plenty of candy for all the kids. (James enjoyed collecting it, even though he didn't want to eat any!)

The girls were great playing with the boys -- Izzy, Daniel's older cousin (age 8), was especially sweet with them. She spent quite a while drawing pictures with Mattie (which is to say she drew nice pictures, and Mattie added a lot of orange scribbles), and then she read him some stories.

The girls also adored the dogs -- when it came time for them to leave, the dogs got the most enthusiastic goodbyes! :)

Daniel was so nice – he let James and Matthew help him open his presents. (James loves opening presents!)


Ann said...

So nice to see all the pictures! I love this blog! Please wish Daniel a Happy Birthday from all of us in West Virginia!!!!!

Niki said...

Great pics; i can't believe he is already 4!
I've never seen that type of pinata; i really like it.