Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Mattie has been such a good brother recently. The other day, he had two toys, and I asked him to give one to James -- and he did. He's done it several times since, too (although of course there is still some occasional grabbing toys away from James as well.) And later that day, James was playing with a toy Mattie wanted, and I told Mattie that he needed to wait his turn -- and once again, he did! We're very proud of him for being so good at sharing! (James is also starting to get the hang of it. He gave one of his brushes to Mattie in the tub tonight when we asked him to, but then he almost immediately decided he wanted it back.)

Mattie also now asks to have his hands wiped if they get too messy while he's eating.

And today he indicated that he wanted to go on the potty, and he went pee-pee in the potty not once, but twice! (Once in the morning and once in the evening.) Go, Mattie! (Err, no pun intended. Okay, maybe a little pun intended.)

1 comment:

Niki said...

Well done, Mattie