Monday, November 23, 2009

A Tale of Two Mornings

Yesterday morning we woke up to discovered that James had had an ostomy bag "malfunction" -- yuck! It's no more disgusting than a poopy diaper blowout, but it does take longer to deal with!

But this morning we had the boys down under their activity gym, and they were smiling at each other! So cute!! They each seem very happy to have a brother.

Also this morning, Matthew slept until 8 AM! (Of course, he fell asleep later last night than usual, but hey, I'll take those extra hours in the morning.) He usually wakes up at 4 or 5 AM for his first breakfast (and then goes back to sleep for a couple hours before second breakfast), so this was quite a pleasant change.


Unknown said...

A tiny hobbit on your hands, huh??? I think that's too cute that Matthew has "second" do I about 9am! ha ha (Gotta feed the growing Monster!)

GPa said...

Looked like a very happy Daddy too.

Niki said...

That is such a great pic of Mike. I'm also glad to see that Stanley is fine with little twin brothers (as long as everyone remembers the dog, of course)