Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Not First Day of School

 The boys were supposed to start school today, but because our school district could not get its act together, the start of school is delayed for students learning remotely.  (We had a choice of hybrid, which is two days in school and three days virtual, or all virtual. We picked the all virtual option.)  Our superintendent didn't start planning until too late, so they ended up not having enough teachers and now they're frantically scrambling to try to hire them (which in itself is quite unusual, because normally our district is a really popular one to work in).  After this situation made the national news, the superintendent is now on leave.  Most people seem to think that's good riddance!  Anyhow, the boys don't seem too concerned about having a few extra days of summer -- even though the weather today definitely felt like fall. 

Last week we signed Matthew up for an online programming camp -- and it turned out he was the only one registered.  So he ended up basically having private lessons all week, which was pretty cool. James had one day of online chess camp last week, and is looking forward to the afterschool chess through the same group. He'll also start outdoor soccer next week. Sadly, we decided that he won't go back to gymnastics this fall. We'll miss it!

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