Tuesday, June 23, 2020

End of Fifth

 The boys had their last day of fifth grade on June 12 -- the school year ended a little earlier than originally scheduled because of the coronavirus. They were glad to be done, but it was kind of anti-climactic!

On the 15th, we went over to school to pick up all the things from their lockers, and then they had the gym set up for picking up art projects, turning in library books, and so on. (The school had set up different days and times for pickup based on last names.) Masks were required, of course, but the building was pretty empty.  It felt a bit strange and sad to me, but the boys didn't seem too bothered.

James's teacher left a nice end of the year envelope with a letter to them, and Matthew's teacher (and assistant teacher) actually came by the house to say goodbye!  It was a quick visit but really nice!

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