Saturday, April 18, 2020

Tiny Escapes

We made two short outings this week, and we were pleased that both vehicles actually started. :)

The farm market right near our house was selling fruit and vegetable boxes -- you pay a set price (in advance, online) and then get a mix of produce. (They came out and put it right in our trunk, so it was a no-contact transaction!) It was a pretty nice selection, although with more peppers than I would have liked. :)

Today we also did a "no contact" cupcake pickup from a local bakery, and dropped them off on J&K's porch to celebrate their daughter's first birthday. It was not the celebration they had planned, but it was lovely to see them in person, even just briefly and at a distance!

It was nice to get out and drive around, but it was also a bit unsettling to see full parking lots at the stores and traffic that didn't seem all that different from normal -- hopefully people are being careful enough to stop the virus spread around here!

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