Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Beach Walk

 One of the evenings, we took a trail next to the resort down to a little beach area.  It was a beautiful walk!  The different colors of the ocean and all the different lava and rocks were amazing.  And the beach area had something for (almost) everyone -- bars for James to swing on, water for Mike and Matthew to snorkel in, and lounge chairs for the rest of us to relax in (although Daniel was not quite as enthused about that). 

Then we continued on to the little shopping area for dinner and ended up at the food court. The kids were very excited for the pizza option, but the adults had more local food (seafood, moco loco), which was pretty good, but took forever to cook! 

Fortunately there was a trolley that took us back to the resort afterwards -- jet lag was setting in by that point. :)

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