Monday, October 17, 2016


When we were in Eden, Mike got to see his childhood friend Brian for the first time in 20-ish years.  (We met Brian's two boys as well.)

Their treasured memories were about throwing rocks at each other, shooting their BB guns, and overturning a riding mower (which they were riding on at the time, up a too-steep hill).  This...explains a lot about the differences between Mike's and my childrearing styles. :)

1 comment:

Mike said...

Let me clarify a couple of things:
First, were were 11-12 years old.
1) we never shot the BB guns at each other.
2) the "rocks" were mostly well-rounded pea-gravel, the size of marbles or slightly smaller. We also threw dirt clods at each other, which was fun because when you missed they exploded in a puff of dust and dirt. Brian was usually in a barn doorway and could hide behind the door frame, I was often in the dirt/gravel pile in a shallow fox hole. Sometimes were wore a football or army helmet.
3) the lawn mower roll-over occurred pretty slowly.