Sunday, August 21, 2016

Otherwise, What's the Point?

 Auntie Nora and Daniel were going to teach us a new game ("The Game"), and Nora asked James if he wanted to play. His reply was, "is there a winner in this game?"  (We assured him that there was.)

This is a triumph of nature over nurture. :)  We've spent their whole lives saying things like, "everyone does things at their own pace" and "just try your best" -- but James loves a competition.

As it turns out, our team lost the game.  I told James that we got the silver medal. Seth was nearby and he piped up, "We got the gold medal!  But we have to BE VERY CAREFUL with it because it is fragile."  (And then Matthew used Perler beads to make a gold medal for Seth, a silver for James, and a bronze for Mike...who didn't get to play because he was working.)

"The Game", by the way, involves everyone writing down names of real or fictional people (or animals).  In the first round, teams guess from a description. In the second round, they guess by gestures, and in the final round they guess from one word.

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