Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Danger of Assumptions

So I just assumed that the illness Mattie had this week was some version of the viruses that were floating around in Florida, or at worst, the flu -- and in either of those cases, there wasn't much the doctor could do, so I didn't think to take him in. Until yesterday, when it seemed like he was getting worse again after getting better, so I thought maybe he had a sinus infection.  Nope. Strep throat and impetigo.  Poor kid!  (And now I'm regretting sending him to school on Thursday to spread those germs!)  He got some antibiotics and seems to be feeling much better today.  So, note to self, do not assume that all family members have gotten the same germs!

However, in this case, two wrongs sort of makes a right, because James is finishing up a course of antibiotics for a possible ear infection, so apparently that protected him against catching strep from his brother.  :)

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