Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rolling With It

James returned to school today, his first day back with the wheelchair.  (He has to use the bathroom in the nurse's office -- she helps him and it's handicapped accessible.)  But it seems like things went well!  His teacher said, "I'm not going to lie -- it's like he was a celebrity.  They all wanted to sit by him."  :)  They also were all helping him with putting his papers in the basket and that kind of thing.  So nice!  Hopefully they'll still be helpful once the novelty wears off.

The boys also had a friend over after school, which they really enjoyed.  

Mike, on the other hand, spent most of the day at the doctor's office and had to undergo some unpleasant medical tests.  It turns out he probably has pneumonia, and has to be on a liquid diet for three days for some GI issues. Poor guy!

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