Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Not as Planned

I thought we had gotten past the medical stuff for this month, but no -- James broke his leg this afternoon sledding.  (The green leg is the cast, which goes up above the knee and will have to be on for at least three weeks.  The white thing on his other leg is just a big sock to keep him warm, since his pants didn't fit over the cast.)  Ugh!!!

We'll have to get a wheelchair for him to use at school and pretty much carry him everywhere at home (he can't put any weight on that leg).  Poor kid!!

It wasn't immediately clear that his leg was broken when it first happened (although he was definitely in a lot of pain until the Tylenol started working). We went to the pediatrician first, and she sent us to the X-ray place, and then we went to an orthopedic place to get the cast on.  The whole thing took several hours altogether, but probably better than waiting around the E.R.  The break is in his shin bone, about a third of the way up between his ankle and knee.  The cast is so big because they want to make it impossible for him to put weight on the leg.  (I guess little kids can't be trusted to do that on their own!)

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