Saturday, May 25, 2013

Beach Day

Once again, Beach Day was the best day of preschool.  (Fortunately, the weather cooperated -- it's been so rainy here recently, we weren't sure it would!  It was a bit cooler than ideal, but that didn't seem to bother the little guys.)

When I arrived to pick up the boys, they couldn't wait to tell me about all the things -- three pools!  (One in the sun that was a different temperature!)  Sliding into a pool!  A sprinkler!  Splashing!  An obstacle course!  Hopscotch!!  (James was particularly excited about the hopscotch; Mattie hadn't played it.) 

Oh, and apparently spray paint as well, which you can see in Jamesie's hair.

Beach Day ends with a pizza and popsicle lunch.  Their teacher was excited because James wolfed down two slices of pizza -- she'd never seen him eat that much.  :)

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