Friday, April 19, 2013

Touch a Truck

  The boys enjoyed Touch a Truck last weekend.  (The adults would have enjoyed it more if some of the semi trucks had not allowed every single kid to honk the horn repeatedly!)  They were excited about the bouncy house this year, and like last year, the flatbed pickup truck that they could climb up and slide down was a big hit.  They also spent a lot of time in the back of the Harris Teeter semi truck and the scooper of the backhoe.  :)

Poor Mattie has had a fever since Wednesday (occasionally controlled by medicine), and it looks like James is now getting whatever it is, too.  Ugh!  (We took Mattie to the doctor because he also had some yellow goop around his eyes; the doc didn't think it was pinkeye, but prescribed eye drops just in case.  As you can imagine, Mattie does not like them!  James commented this morning, "I had ear drops and now it's Matthew's turn."  I hadn't thought of it quite that way!)

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