Monday, February 11, 2013

Pizza for Breakfast

The boys are on the upswing today.  Mattie complained once or twice that his tummy hurt, but basically seems back to normal. 

James had a rough afternoon yesterday, to the point that we were considering whether we needed to take him to the emergency room.  He was in pain and we weren't sure if he was getting dehydrated.  We talked to the pediatric surgeon on call, and she said it didn't sound like he needed to come in immediately, and recommended just getting James fluids through his g-tube.  Fortunately that worked, and we think the pain may have been cramps/gas, because he was able to fall asleep on Mike a little while after that phone call. 

(So glad we didn't have to go in -- for many reasons, but one is that they probably would have wanted to do IV fluids, and getting an IV in that kid is a huge challenge even under the best of circumstances.  It would have been awful.)

We were able to give him formula through the tube overnight, and this morning he was cheerful and talkative again.  Yay!!  We kept the boys home from preschool since James is not 100% better yet (and Mattie didn't want to go, so we figured we wouldn't expose the other kids to any remaining germs). 

Jamesie wanted to have pizza for breakfast, and we weren't going to argue with him!  We didn't have any pizza left from dinner last night, so Mike made him bread pizza.  (On hearing this, James said, "I don't want bread on it.  Just cheese."  Hee hee!)  James cheerfully ate the cheese from the pizza toast, so that was a good start to the day, and he had a great time playing with Mattie and N.  He took a long nap this afternoon and went to bed early, which is probably what he needs.   

The boys also had fun seeing all the snow at Grandma and Grandpa B's house (on Facetime).  They were both impressed with the snowblower!  :)

1 comment:

Niki said...

stomach bugs are the worst; hope both boys are better soon