Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bouncy Sunday

 We had big plans to go to Maymont (a park/farm) on Sunday at Daniel's house, but nature did not cooperate -- it was cold and misty.  So while Mike and Uncle Adrian went out the Guitar exhibit, Auntie Nora and I took the boys to an indoor inflatable place.  It was awesome, partially because we had the place almost to ourselves.  (And they had the lights on and weren't blasting music, unlike at the birthday party -- much less sensory overload!)

Mattie and James had a blast -- they didn't stop running and bouncing the whole time we were there! Mattie isn't afraid of the slides any more, either -- he went right up without any hesitation. 

Daniel was a bit under the weather, so he had a good time at first and then slowed down.  He perked up when we went to the yogurt shop afterwards, though! 

Conversation from the back seat:

Daniel (to me):  "I bet you don't know the name of the yogurt shop!"
Mattie:  "It's Sweet Frog."
Daniel: "No, it's a surprise!"
(repeat the above exchange 5 or 10 times)
Mattie:  "When are you going to tell her?"

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